Thursday, June 5, 2008

Welcome, SOS

it seems silly for each of us to compile separate caches of recipes and ideas when we are all trying to do the exact same thing, so i hoped this would enable us to share the really good stuff we figure out with each other. feel free to post about any recipes you try, blogs you locate, books you read, products you can't live without, techniques you learn (any sprouters in the crowd?) etc.

my only request is that we keep this blog clean. it's so easy to find vegan blogs that have more recipes for cupcakes than they do salads and, frankly, i've never had trouble finding treats in this world. what i need is more ideas for how to keep nutritious eating simple and pleasant. thanks, women. i hope this helps!


austinmcraig said...

Amy, you were the first person to tell me about Michael Pollan, and since then I've become a fan. Not that it directly translates into my diet...but I'm getting better. Thanks, I'll keep checking back.

amy said...

austin, getting better is all any of us can do. i'm glad you enjoyed michael pollan's stuff; i find him to be thorough in his research as well as a fabulous writer.

if you are in the mood to check out authors i recommend, the way i (and jami and jacki, my comrades) eat is based on dr. joel furhman's work. he recommends a nearly vegan diet based on extensive research on the relationship between nutrition and morbidity/mortality. feel free to email me if you would like more information.

enjoy the blog. i hope you're having fun in washington!